David Dombrowsky
Founder / CEO
David is the founder and CEO of FX2 Funding. Following a long career in forex trading, David decided to form his own prop firm in 2022. Prior to FX2, David served as CFO several retail and health care companies, one of which he saw through a successful exit. 

He takes a particular interest in trading psychology, and has taught several courses and seminars in the field. David is a New York State registered CPA and loves a good competitive game of basketball.
David's Latest Articles
June 4, 2024
Unraveling the Pros and Cons of Forex Trading

Everything you need to know before investing in FX Forex trading—the exchange of one currency for another—is a dynamic domain that beckons traders with the promise of financial gains and significant opportunities. However, just like any investment, forex trading has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Whether you're contemplating a career in forex or […]

June 1, 2024
Trading Psychology Tips for Consistent Success

Master Self-Trust and Resilient Behavior Introduction Trading in the financial markets is not just about strategies and market analysis; it's equally about the psychological resilience and decision-making capabilities of the trader. Trading psychology plays a pivotal role in a trader’s ability to make consistent and rational decisions. Understanding and managing the psychological aspects of trading […]

May 29, 2024
The Most Traded Forex Pairs: Unveiling the Major Currency Pairs

In the vast and dynamic world of Forex trading, understanding the most traded currency pairs is essential for both novice and seasoned traders. These pairs are a cornerstone of the global currency market, offering the highest liquidity and the best opportunities for speculation and hedging. Traders gravitate towards these pairs because they represent economies with […]

May 27, 2024
Fundamentals of Risk Management: How to Best Protect Your Trading Capital

What Are the 5 Rules of Risk Management? Effective risk management is essential for successful trading, and adhering to core principles helps safeguard your investments. These rules are foundational in creating a disciplined trading strategy: What Is the 1% Rule in Trading? The 1% rule is a risk management strategy that suggests not risking more […]

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